Let us feature your business or organization with a display ad that appears on every page and alongside every event, reaching 15-25,000 readers per month!
It’s easy to upload your image and make your purchase below.

Ad size: 350 px W x up to 180 px H
1 week: $86
2 weeks: $158
1 month: $276

Ad size: 350 px W x up to 250 px H
1 week: $102
2 weeks: $188
1 month: $340

Ad size: 350 px W x up to 350 px H
1 week: $145
2 weeks: $260
1 month: $525
Please complete the form to upload your image and make your payment.
Call Deborah at 707-273-1401.
Got a BIG event coming up? Check out our Max Pack promotion package.