Art Exhibit: Variations on a Theme

Mon, March 1, 2021, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Exhibit dates: March 1 - 28, 2021; gallery open daily: S&S 11am-6pm; M-F 11am-3pm

Sonoma County artist, Sally Cataldo, presents Variations on a Theme, a collection of water media works created through allowing the artistic process to play out to achieve the ultimate expression.  Drawing inspiration from various sources – still life, landscape, figure, abstraction – Cataldo allows the art to speak and then wield its magic.  Channeling the artistic voice certainly works to create masterful pieces where strong design takes the lead in orchestrating color, shape and line, resulting in a forceful statement.  “Plant with Pattern on a Grid,“ a rhythmic composition where color and texture interplay, transports the viewer from a seemingly simple still life to a poetic dance.  There is nothing staid or boring about Cataldo’s take on a still life.  Whether the inspiration be abstract or subjective, Cataldo’s works capture the viewer’s eye and take it on an exciting journey.  “My goal is to create simple, poetic, visual language in my art,” noted Cataldo.

A water media artist, Cataldo cannot remember a time when art was not a part of her life.  Her mother was an artist, so encouraged Cataldo’s interest.  In 1989, Cataldo quit her day job and dedicated herself to following the artist’s path.  Her long resume of awards affirm she made the right decision.  Initially focused on watercolor, her more recent work has expanded to acrylic and evolved to become more abstract.   Internationally renowned, Cataldo is a published, award winning artist who has exhibited widely and participated in Sonoma County Art Trails for a number of years. She is featured in the current edition of Palette Magazine.  The Upstairs Art Gallery was pleased to welcome her as a new artist in February of this year.

The Small Works Showcase on the stairway features Carolyn Wilson’s new small collage works, a collection that explores the natural world and landscapes, real and imagined. Shelter-in-place has been a time for Wilson to escape by exploring new materials and techniques.  Many new works have a 3-D sculptural surface texture created with torn and repurposed papers.



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