Spice1 was born in Texas and later moved to California, where he was found by local rapper, Too Short. His self-titled debut was as vivid and fatalistic a gangsta album as possible and his hard-edged rapping style only added to the despair emanating from the record.
He followed it with an even more realistic series of releases in 1993, 1995 and 1997. Unlike many rappers in his position, Spice1 did not suffer a critical backlash from such a high volume of releases in such a short amount of time. He continued to change with society – a change that reflected his consistent sales and unwavering fanbase.
Today, Spice1 continues to record as the always-ready champion of the East Bay MC-Gangsta Sound.
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The Big Easy
128 American Alley
- Petaluma
Price: $20.00